Modern-day students should be given more innovative ways to learn, which is what 3BI Concept is going to do. They should be taught Math, English, and other subjects in groups separately a day in school by a different teacher. She/he will have the opportunity to learn more independently and test-taking will become more engaging.
Students will have access to information easier which will allow them to have deeper conversations about various topics of interest. They will be able to take notes about what they’ve learned in their “e-Reader”. This method will surely develop their minds a lot more and will allow kids to think differently.
Math is a good subject to be taught and easy to test. Students should be given an opportunity to test others by asking questions. Teachers can supervise them and can easily check as to how they are doing.
With 3BI Concept’s e-Reader’s students can learn even though they’re not in the class. Lets say a kid is sick and not able to go to school. He/she can stay at home and still read from their e-Reader and even log into the classroom with the help of the camera then listen and watch, what is being taught at school.
No longer will parents have to worry about their kid missing a lesson due to how far they live from a school or because of the weather. These units allow students to learn wherever they are.
Soon students will be thinking differently and more students will become “educated” problem solvers, which will make for a better tomorrow. Someone had the dream to create an e-Reader and now it is being used for school.
This technology is light and will decrease the amount a school bag weighs on a kid.
3BI Concept’s e-Readers will help our kids to learn a lot. This technology was designed not to replace teacher’s, but to help them. Now a teacher can assign a child to work in a group and each student will have access to the Internet via their own unit, instead of having to wait to use an old computer.
Once schools start using 3BI Concept’s technology students from 1st Grade till 10th Grade will be happy and fully satisfied with their progress. Teacher’s will be able to provide a student with feedback on assignments instantly. Both parents and teachers will be able to see the progress of students.
e-Readers will come loaded with the necessary software for Math and Reading activities. Children will be able to confidently do homework because the resources they need will be in one place. This will lessen the work of parents and the best part is “parents will receive updates on their kids progress quicker.”
Computer software’s can be modified whenever required, so teaching kids [in] this way is a “WIN-WIN Condition.” Kids throughout the world (now in India), the 2015 school year will be a GREAT year for you with the innovation of 3BI Concept.
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